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Michigan Notarization Bills/Remote and Electronic Notarization Updates:
Michigan Notarization Bills/Remote and Electronic Notarization Updates: On April 17, 2018, Representative Diana Farrington introduced House Bill 5811 which permits a Michigan Notary to “perform a notarial act using a remote electronic notarization platform.” Remote...
Recent Court of Appeals Decision Impacts MI Affidavits to Expunge Foreclosure Sales
Recent Court of Appeals Decision Impacts Michigan Affidavits to Expunge Foreclosure Sales A common vehicle used to rescind foreclosure sales in Michigan was addressed in a recent Court of Appeals Opinion known as Wilmington Saving Fund Society Fsb v. Roger...
Evictions – PTFA Update
On May 24, 2018, President Trump signed Senate Bill 2155, the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act, into law (Public Law No: 115-174). Though the Act, calculated to streamline regulations within the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, has many facets,...
Legislative Advisory – D.C. “TOPA Single Family Home Exemption Amendment Act of 2018”
Legislative Advisory—District of Columbia: “TOPA Single Family Home Exemption Amendment Act of 2018” After long deliberation and debate, on April 10, 2018, the District of Columbia Council amended D.C.’s Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (“TOPA”) (D.C. Law...
The Growth of Orlans PC Consumer Practice Continues
The consumer practice team at Orlans PC provides auto/mobile home replevin, bankruptcy, suits on notes, money judgments and post judgment legal services to its clients in D.C., DE, MA, MD, MI, NH, RI and VA. We are pleased to report recent strong growth in both our...
Michigan e-Notary Bill/Remote Notary Trends
Michigan e-Notary Bill/Remote Notary Trends: On November 28, 2017, State Senator Peter MacGregor introduced Senate Bill 664 which permits a Michigan Notary to “select 1 or more tamper-evident technologies to perform notarial acts electronically.” The bill...
Legislative Roundup—Proposed Legislation in Virginia and Maryland
Legislative Roundup—Proposed Legislation in Virginia and Maryland. As the legislative sessions in Virginia and Maryland proceed in 2018, there are a number of proposed legislative changes being considered. The Firm will continue to monitor the legislation as it...
En Banc Panel Surprises in PHH v. CFPB Decision
En Banc Panel Surprises in PHH v. CFPB Decision The decision of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in PHH Corporation et al v. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, No.15-1177 (January 31,2018) took many twists and turns in its almost four year sojourn to the long...
Michigan Enacts the Uniform Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act
Michigan Enacts the Uniform Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act The Michigan Uniform Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act was signed by Governor Rick Snyder on February 6, 2018 and becomes effective on May 7, 2018. Providing clarity to a receiver’s...
The Statutory Power of Sale in Massachusetts Incorporation by Reference
The Statutory Power of Sale in Massachusetts Incorporation by Reference James B. Nutter & Company Vs. Estate Of Barbara A. Murphy & Others Decided On January 18, 2018 On January 18, 2018, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court issued an opinion in James...
Julie Moran, Senior Executive Counsel, Recently Featured in DS News
Julie Moran, Senior Executive Counsel of Orlans PC, was recently featured in a DS News article for her role in a recent Massachusetts Supreme Court Ruling. The case, James B. Nutter & Company vs. Estate of Barbara Murphy & Others, the Supreme Court clarified a...
Orlans PC Merger
By Alison Orlans _ November 30, 2017 - There have been many exciting changes since we launched Orlans PC six months ago. Orlans PC is the result of the merger of Orlans Associates, Orlans Moran, and Atlantic Law Group on April 1, 2017. Since that time, we have worked...